Based in Munich, Germany, the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) is a state-financed, non-profit and political foundation committed to promoting the values of humanism through educational activities with more than 35 years of experience in civic education in Germany, and international cooperation around the world. We are represented in more than 65 countries worldwide providing specific country-based projects.
Its office in Indonesia was founded in 1993 with developed and implemented programs jointly with local, national and international partners. One of its pillars is to focus on the promotion of Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development, covering training/capacity and institution buildings, exchange program, dialogue, public awareness, workshop, seminar and publication for the entire society in Indonesia, the ASEAN, Asia Pacific and Asia Europe regions.
Numerous teachers’ trainings on the use of “Water”, “Air”, “Biodiversity”, “Soil & Land” and “Education for Sustainable Development” modules for Primary Schools and NGO experts at national level have been a landmark program of HSF in partnership with Universities and the Indonesian Ministries of National Education and Environment since its establishment.
These efforts have significantly inspired the initiative and plan to the establishment of the ASEAN Environmental Education Action Plan (AEEAP) 2000-2005, which has been succeeded by the Environmental Education Action Plan for Sustainable Development 2008-2014. The document is endorsed by the ASEAN Ministers of Environment as a framework for coordination of the implementation of environmental education activities for sustainable development in ASEAN. HSF in cooperation with UNEP ROAP is actively involved assisting the selected AMCs such as Indonesia, Cambodia, and Lao PDR in the implementation of AEEAP in their respective country programs.
The Asia-Europe Environment Forum and ASEAN Environmentally Sustainable Cities are among other programs in the region of which HSF has actively taken part in cooperation with ASEAN Secretariat, UNESCO, UNEP/ROAP and ASEF, amongst others.
Another pillar is to promote democracy and enforce rule of law. This is pursued together with the Constitutional Court of the Republic Indonesia (MKRI), CETRO, the Habibie Center, and Asia-Europe Foundation. Amongst other current programs are; roundtable experts' discussion on the selected important court rulings, Indonesia-German judges exchange program, revision of constitutional law curricula, constitutional cases publications, seminar and workshop on constitutional cases, bureaucracy reform, MPs almanac, democratization and justice in Asian European countries, etc.
We aim at helping people to help themselves! This means improving, strengthening, and utilizing human capacities, taking into account the social, political, cultural, and economic framework of the country in promoting a democratic community, which is able to express their rights for living in a feasible and appropriate environment.
The graphs below reveal the tremendous growth in the number of participants (from 531 in 1994 to 1,749 in 2009) and programs (from 9 in 1994 to 23 in 2009) that HSF has been able to reach over the past 15 years.
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