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Job: Management Consultancy Service Required

Review of Financial, Administrative, Human Resource and Information Services
Background and Outline of Service Required
The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is seeking consultants to conduct a review of its financial, accounting, administrative, human resources and information services. Consultants will be requested to evaluate the efficacy of research support divisions in providing effective economic services to core research activities. Although details of the service required are outlined later in this document, it is expected that the final, contracted Terms of Reference will be agreed jointly through negotiations with the preferred provider and the Director General of IWMI.
IWMI is one of 15 international research centers supported by the network of 60 governments, private foundations and international organizations collectively known as the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), www.cgiar.org. IWMI has a staff of 282 and offices in 12 countries across Asia and Africa. IWMI hosts the Challenge Program for Water and Food. IWMI's Mission is to improve the management of land and water resources for food,
livelihoods and the environment. IWMI's Vision, is water for a food-secure world. The institute conducts applied research on a range of issues pertaining to water management for agriculture and works in collaboration with a wide network partners based in Asia, Africa and Europe, North America and Australia. IWMI seeks to translate its research findings into actionable recommendations for policymakers, resource managers and poor rural communities. More information can be found on, www.iwmi.org

Terms of Reference
The main objectives of the review1
are as follows:
1. To assess whether research support divisions currently provide effective and efficient services to internal as well as external stakeholders.
2. To assess whether research support divisions are effective in managing related risks and exploiting emerging opportunities.
3. Review how each of the support areas should integrate and/or work with the research areas.
4. Recommend how each of the support areas should contribute to the management and also the strategic direction of the organization, commensurate with changes required in the CGIAR system change process.

In the next year, as mandated by the CGIAR
http://www.cgiar.org/changemanagement/index.html), IWMI will move into a new programmatic model of research management and delivery in collaboration with other centers of the CGIAR, the CPWF, the FAO and a number of partners on the ground. The challenge to administrative, financial, and information departments is going to be significant as a number of new contractual agreements between various partners will form the basis for performance and delivery on research projects. Reviewers will evaluate whether existing systems and improvement efforts underway are appropriate and will be able to continue to support key research functions as the institute prepares to change into a new programmatic model. The full proposal for the new program can be found here, http://www.iwmi.cgiar.org/crp5/.

A major aspect of this programmatic means of operation will be that over the period 2011 – 2013 there will be full integration into the new CGIAR Consortium Research Program “Water, Land and Ecosystems” of the activities of the Challenge Program for Water and Food (CPWF www.waterandfood.org) which is hosted by IWMI. An aspect of the review will be to seek recommendations on how support services currently provided to the two organizations separately can be efficiently and effectively combined and utilized, in order to meet the evolving needs of both organizations and the common needs of CRP5.

The review should cover the following areas across all locations of IWMI
- Human Resources Service
- Financial Management, Accounting and Administration
- Information & Knowledge Group

This includes the following units: GIS, Remote Sensing and Data; Communications; Web; Publications; and Library and Information.
- Business Development Unit
- Program Office
- Functions to be integrated between IWMI and CPWF, taking into account the on-going HR review undertaken by CPWF for its specific functions.

To achieve the objectives stated above, the review will cover the following areas though
the final TOR will be agreed with IWMI, and the preferred provider:

 To facilitate the establishment and operation of the new CRP5 programs and examine the appropriate support structures.
 Examine the organizational framework of IWMI and the Challenge Program for Water and Food within which the units/sections operate and the organizational framework within the units/sections themselves
 Examine relevance, mandate and objectives of each of the units/sections including those within regional and project offices
 Assess the effectiveness, efficiencies and potential gaps of the operating procedures and practices of the units/sections.
 Review cost effectiveness of the units/sections and the relative ratio of the cost of these services units to the cost of research programs and recommend actions for improvement, if required
 Review the HQ/Regional division of research support tasks and recommend optimum future arrangements
 Assess the capacities and competence that is available within these units/sections to meet the needs of the research programs
 Review all HR policies to ascertain their capacity to reflect the transition into the new programmatic structure.
IWMI expects to commission this consultancy by mid April, and anticipates completion by late June to mid-July 2011.
A consultancy contract covering the scope of assignment, payment and other conditions as indicated below, will be drawn up and signed by both IWMI and the consultant.

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